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Submit Articles

We welcome our readers to submit their own articles and contribute to our expanding knowledge base. Find out more about submissions in this page!


If you think you're inspired by our articles and feel like contributing or you have a piece of information which you would like share with the rest of us, you can do so here. We have multiple ways for you to upload your content. You can use whichever one is convenient for you.

Do read the information at the bottom of the page to understand how submission works. If you have any further queries feel free to ask us at queries@firstclassmed.com.


You can mail us your article with your information to submit@firstclassmed.com.



Upload your article as a file



Copy paste the text of the article in the form below

If you wish to submit images in the above article you can do so separately here.

If you have any further queries feel free to ask us at queries@firstclassmed.com.

Do read the following before you upload:

  • We always credit the author at the end of each article, but you can opt out and choose to be anonymous if you wish to.

  • We can link your social network profile besides your name if you would like to. Any number of social networks can be linked. We need to your exact social network URL id for it. Example: A facebook URL would look something like this - https://www.facebook.com/yourusername

  • We accept almost all popular file formats including, but not restricted to Word, Pages, Evernote. If you send a file format which we are not able to read, please provide your contact info so that we can reach out to you regarding the same.

  • If you wish to include images as a part of your article you can do so. You can attach those images along with the document file or you can upload them separately if you use forms to upload your article. Kindly provide us adequate information as to which part of the article the image should be attached to.

  • We process all images and if needed we redraw it using software and implement our colour concept, to ensure it provides an optimum reading experience for our users.

  • Please provide proper citations and source materials from which you have obtained material for your article. If you need any help regarding how to quote citations, you can use this website - www.easybib.com

  • We have competent editors who browse through each and every article to ensure the content is simple and enriching. Don't worry, we make sure we do justice to your source material. At the end of the day, the more engaging the article, the better it is for the author. Right? So we really hope you understand why we do this and kindly bear with us during the whole drafting process.